Can I Put a Hot Tub Inside My House?

can i put a hot tub inside my house
Have you wondered, “Can I put a hot tub inside my house?” You bet you can. In fact, an indoor hot tub may be perfect for your situation. You can use it anytime, in any season, regardless of the weather. You can locate it in a basement, sunroom, home gym, or garage. Plus, you will have total privacy when you are enjoying your soaks. You may have to do a bit of extra planning to make an indoor hot tub a reality, but it could be worth it in the end. Fronheiser Pools is here to discuss some details to help you decide if you want to put a hot tub inside your house.

The Convenience of Having a Hot Tub Inside the House

As mentioned, having a hot tub inside your home means it is super convenient to access. 
  • Easy access. Since you don’t have to leave the house, your hot tub is easily accessible at any time of the day or night. 
  • Privacy. You can use your hot tub without worrying about what to wear. You can skip the footwear for the walk to the spa, and if you love privacy, you are all set. You will be out of sight of neighbors or passersby and have total privacy from onlookers. 
  • Weather. No matter the weather, you can use your hot tub and be protected from it. Stormy, cold, windy; it doesn’t matter. Your hot tub is there for you to use in complete comfort.

Having a Hot Tub Inside the House Maximizes Unused Space

The great thing about placing a hot tub inside the house is that it can use space that is otherwise going to waste. If you have room in your basement, garage, or sunroom, those can be ideal places to install your spa. If you already have a home gym setup, a hot tub placed in a corner can be a terrific addition. 

Considerations When Placing a Hot Tub Inside the House

When you decide to place a hot tub inside the house, some special planning and accommodations need to be made. You may even need a general contractor to supervise the installation. 
  • Foundation. A filled hot tub can weigh more than 5,000 pounds, meaning a strong foundation or structural support is needed. Unless you plan to place it on a basement or garage concrete slab, you need some kind of structural support. 
  • Installation. You will need to carefully consider the size of the hot tub you want to install to be sure that it will fit through any doorways and other impediments in the way of its placement. Make sure it fits well in the space you want to place it, allowing for back and side clearance for maintenance. 
  • Plumbing and Ventilation. You will need a source of running water, complete with a spigot and hose for filling the hot tub. A drain will be necessary for both spilled water and for draining the tub on occasion as part of its regular maintenance. Good ventilation is essential for lowering the humidity level in the room in which the hot tub is located. You definitely will want to control the ambient dampness and humidity, or drywall and other furnishings could be detrimentally affected. 
  • Electrical. Hot tubs need a source of electricity, usually a 220V connection. Depending on where you locate your inside hot tub, you may need a licensed electrician to make the necessary installation. 
  Deciding on placing your hot tub indoors could be a great choice for you. When you ask, “Can I put a hot tub inside my house?” the answer is that it is definitely doable. There are many benefits such as privacy, accessibility, and protection from the weather. If you plan ahead for the installation of your indoor hot tub, you will be able to enjoy it for years to come. Fronheiser Pools carries both Caldera® and Freeflow® spas. Contact our professional staff and let us help you choose the best hot tub brand and model to suit your needs.
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