Having a hot tub means lots of opportunities for fun and family togetherness. But, if not used and cared for properly, your hot tub can be a hazard. Here’s what to watch out for, and how to keep everyone safe around the spa.
While most modern hot tubs have a limit of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, some older tubs may go higher. Don’t be tempted. The CDC recommends hot tub water temps never exceed 104, and most bathers enjoy a temp of 100-102 degrees.
While the idea of relaxing in the hot tub with a glass of wine or your favorite brew is incredibly tempting, try to resist. For starters, glass and your hot tub just aren’t a good mix. If that glass or bottle slips out of your hands, you risk cut feet or worse. Secondly, consuming alcohol when you’re raising your body temperature in hot water is a recipe for dehydration.
Let’s be honest – most hot tub safety issues are about protecting the little ones from harm. From age (The CDC recommends you don’t allow children under 5 to use a hot tub.) to temp (Set it at 98 for the kiddos.), there’s a lot to think about when you’ll be sharing your hot tub with the youngsters.
Some other things to consider:
- Time Limits – allow children 5-20 minutes in the hot tub, no more.
- Size – make sure children can stand in the bottom of the tub with their head well-above the water, and that their heads remain above water when seated.
- Hydration – provide water for drinking to avoid dehydration.
General Safety
As a hot tub owner, it’s ultimately your responsibility to make sure everyone who uses your hot tub – or is around your hot tub – does so safely:
- Be sure you have a locking cover to keep people from accessing your hot tub without permission.
- Know where your hot tub’s shut-off switch is located, so you can turn the pump off in an emergency.
- Always keep the water properly balanced so that it’s clean and sanitary.