Can I Finance a Hot Tub?
There’s nothing like having a hot tub right in your backyard: no public spas that govern how loudly you can talk, how long you can soak, what music is playing, whether you can enjoy beverages (and which beverages), and what temperature you prefer. But a hot tub can take a big chunk of your savings. […]
Do Hot Tubs Make Good Christmas Presents?
Christmas is fast approaching, and we think one of the best Christmas presents would be a hot tub. Don’t believe us? Then let this blog do the convincing.
9 Ways to Prevent Soreness After You ExerciseÂ
You’ve heard the old saying, “No pain, no gain.” In the case of building muscles and strength, that statement is definitely true. To get stronger, muscles first have to be broken down a bit (in the form of micro-tears in muscle fiber). Then as they repair they are rebuilt stronger and bigger. That process can’t […]