Planning a pool party? There is nothing like looking with pride at your pristine sparkling pool just before the guests arrive. It looks its absolute best, and a lot of work went into getting the water that clean and clear. It’s perfect. But there is a downside. Are you asking yourself, “Why does my pool chemistry always become unbalanced when I have a pool party?” As soon as the guests depart, or maybe even before that, your pool has become dingy looking, cloudy, and there may even be a ring of scum at the waterline. What happened? And how can you fix it? Fronheiser Pools is here to help get your pool restored to its former glory.
Heavy Bather Load
The reason your crystal-clear pool goes from sparkling aqua blue to cloudy and icky looking is due to something called “heavy bather load.” If you are entertaining and have a number of guests, no matter how clean they may be, they will bring with them into the pool substances that cause your pool chemistry to become unbalanced. Your pool chemicals are definitely out of whack. What are we talking about? Body lotion, sunscreen, body oils, perfumes, sweat, and yes, even urine will take a big toll on your water clarity. These substances combine with the chlorine in the pool to form “chloramines,” which you now need to get rid of. You may be wondering where to even begin to rectify the situation.Assess the Pool Chemistry by Testing the Water
The first thing you want to do is see just what havoc has been done to your chemical levels. Get out your test kit and assess the situation so you can make adjustments to the levels. On average, these are the standard ranges you want to see:- pH: 7.2-7.6
- Total Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm
- Calcium Hardness: 200-400 ppm
- Cyanuric Acid: 25-50 ppm