We aren’t surprised if you are already saying, “Let’s open my pool for spring!” The first warm days of early spring have you dreaming about enjoying your pool in the days to come. You’ve been toying with the idea of putting on your shorts and flip-flops at the risk of rushing the season. Have patience. It won’t be long before you and the family will be diving into that clean blue water and celebrating another summer full of backyard fun.
But first things first. Before you inflate the unicorn pool float, your pool needs a proper spring opening. Opening a pool for the season isn’t a difficult task. If closed properly in the fall, you shouldn’t have any nasty surprises with excessive algae when you remove the cover in the spring. With a bit of advance planning, your pool opening will be a piece of cake. Fronheiser Pools is here to answer your question “What chemicals and equipment do I need to open my pool for spring”? So, read on, gather your supplies and you will be good to go!
What Equipment Do I Need to Open My Pool for Spring?
You need to have the equipment that is required for your spring pool opening on hand. Here is a list to refresh your memory:- Pool cover pump (if necessary)
- Soft broom to sweep pool cover off
- Cover cleaner
- Chemical kit (more on that later)
- Skimmer with telescoping pole handle
- Garden hose
- Brush to clean sides of pool
- Pool vacuum
What’s In the Chemical Kit?
You will want to check over any chemicals that were left over from last season. If they have passed their expiration date, toss them out. Dispose of them properly and safely. Here are the items you should have on hand for your spring pool opening and the current pool season:- A water testing kit or test strips
- Chlorine/sanitizer
- Increasers and decreasers for pH, total alkalinity, and calcium hardness
- Algaecide
- Shock
- Clarifier
- Stain remover
Open My Pool for Spring: What Do I Do First?
- The first order of business is to clean up the area surrounding the pool. Sweep the deck, trim any trees or bushes that require attention.
- Next, you will need to deal with the pool cover. It helps to have some help with this task. Remove any standing water from the cover and sweep away debris from the top. Once removed, you will want to spread the cover out and give it a once-over with a pool cover cleaner product. Allow the cover to dry and store inside off the ground.
- Replace any ladders, safety rails, etc. that were removed for the winter.
- Inspect the pool for any cracks or tears. Inspect your pump and filter.
Now for the Pool Water
Now comes caring for your pool water. Use your garden hose to refill the pool to the mid/skimmer level. Then, use your skimmer and pool vac to remove any debris from walls and floor of pool. Start getting the water clear by turning on your pump and filter and allowing it to run 12-24 hours. After your filter has had a chance to run, test your pool water and add chemicals in the following order:- Increase or decrease the total alkalinity.
- Balance the pH.
- Adjust calcium hardness levels.
- Shock the water.
- If the water is cloudy, add clarifier if necessary.